martes, 20 de octubre de 2020


 Present perfect.


Lea el siguiente texto, coloree las oraciones en las que se está utilizando Present Perfect, y escriba en español la traducción de cada una de las oraciones subrayadas.

Luego responda las preguntas que hay debajo del texto.

Linda has just walked outside with Grandmother. She wears an apron. So far, she has finished cleaning and washing.

She has also gathered seeds and crumbs. Now Linda and Grandmother are outside. Linda has just dropped some seeds on the ground to feed the birds. The birds have not come yet.

Recently, Grandmother has moved in with Linda's family. She now enjoys living with them. Grandmother has already sat down on the bench. She also wears an apron. She has just finished cooking.

Grandmother and Linda wait for the birds. They have seen birds in the yard before. Grandmother has always liked to watch the birds. Linda has always liked to feed them.

A. Answer the following questions. Use the Present Perfect tense.

1. What has Linda finished doing so far? What has she just dropped on the ground? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Where has Grandmother moved recently? What has Grandmother just finished doing? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. What has Grandmother always liked to do? What has Linda always liked to do?                ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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